And the reason jesus came is found in vv.
Christmas sermon jesus the light of the world.
Christmas eve service jesus.
His parents were poor and no one really notices another child being born to poor parents.
A light to bring revelation to the gentiles and the glory of your people israel.
When somebody takes a flash picture you notice.
Jesus the light of the world.
Whatever your situation may be jesus as the light of the world can bring honor and hope back into your life.
We ve made it to john chapter 8.
John 8 12 30 well church.
The light of the world the bible describes the world as darkness because for a little while it is being ruled by the prince of darkness the devil who is a spiritual force of wickedness in the world.
But jesus said i am the light of the world the attributes of light reflect the hopeful impact that the light of jesus christ still makes on our lives today.
The one true light who gives light to everyone.
This is the 24th sermon in a series on the gospel of john.
Jesus came to bring the light of life to a death darkened world.
It wasn t like they were.
He was born away.
Come to the light tis shining for thee.
Jesus is the light of the world to bring the revelation of salvation to all the peoples of the world.
In this sermon we look at jesus claim to divinity by his statement i am the light of the world jesus.
Jesus came as light to help a blind world regain its sight.
5 and the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it.
Light of the world john pt.
John 12 46 i have come as light into the world that everyone who believes in me may not remain in darkness john 9 39 41 and jesus said i came into this world that those who do not see may see.
Like sunshine at noonday his glory shone in the light of the world is jesus.
At christmastime we celebrate jesus the son of god the second person of the trinity entering the world as a man.
John 1 4 in him was life and the life was the light of men.
The world in which we live is engulfed in spiritual darkness and people are groping to find a way out.
The light came into the world but the world received him not.
Jesus is the light of life vv.
There is a song that tells about that light the light of the world is jesus the whole world was lost in the darkness of sin the light of the world is jesus.
A quote i came across says our past memories should never be greater than our future dreams.
Lights out where it says dark and lights back on when it says light dare something different.