Here are some photos of my roof top antenna with a grounding wire in the attic.
Copper wire in my attic.
It s much easier to string a wire along the wall behind a couch than to have a funky antenna sitting on the stereo.
Bring all of the wire up into the attic.
The floating coax shield but you will introduce another potential source of.
Check to ensure that the vent tube is firmly grounded before connecting the wire.
I will have many other questions although i am trying to read through the forums as much as possible to not repeat questions.
I measured the copper wire to confirm 70 feet coiled it up and gathered my other components including my soldering iron solder extension cord cutters flashlight tape and hauled them up with me.
In general plated copper wire would not be present in nonmetallic sheathed cable romex it is most.
Thhn stands for thermoplastic high heat resi.
My father and grandfather had a single strand of probably 20 gauge copper strung from one end of he attic to the other.
Am antennas are a loop so i guess you could make a pretty easy am antenna with a strand of wire also.
Short other names for 2 0 thhn thwn 2 copper building wire.
You would eliminate a source of unwanted interference.
Plated copper wire tinned copper wire is relatively common in older homes and it looks like aluminum wire.
Staples that are too small may puncture the.
I tied a piece of rope to the rafter on one end of the house attached the copper wire to a plastic block and tied it off.
Another stopgap measure would be to replace the coax with a length of insulated copper wire connected to the hi z terminal on the back panel of the frg 8800.
So my first question is if i wanted to ground some of the other outlets in the house can i simply run a bare ground copper wire up from the outlet to the attic and connect it to the spider web.
The copper wire at the base of the antenna mast attaches to the copper vent tube that runs to the roof through the attic in a 55 year old house.
2 0 copper wire 2 0 building cable 2 0 hook up wire 2 0 conduit wire 2 0 nylon wire 2 0 construction cable 2 0 thermoplastic insulated copper wire 2 0 thhn pvc tray cable 2 0 spaghetti wire.
Bare copper wire in attic while putting some flooring in the attic so i can use it for storage i noticed there were bare copper wires running across the rafters and on top of the insulation.
That would make your end fed antenna 150 feet long which is not a problem in itself.
While one person holds the flashlight the other person should use a staple gun to run the wire along the rafters from one entry hole to the other.
Identification can be made by careful inspection of a cut end of the wire.