Comparison of nail bed repair versus nail trephination for subungual hematomas in children.
Dermabond nail bed repair.
However the study did find a difference in the time it took providers to complete the repair.
The actual nail bed repair should be accomplished with absorbable sutures usually 6 0 size.
The key to success is achieving hemostasis and making sure.
Not every nail bed laceration requires nail removal and repair.
Cosmesis is never ideal because pieces of the nailbed are often missing as seen in the photo above.
Ok so i removed the nail to repair the nail bed laceration.
Rct has demonstrated quicker repair time using 2 octylcyanoacrylate dermabond instead of suture with comparable cosmetic and functional results.
Over the years i have been frustrated by how inelegant finger nailbed closure is.
Double dorsal versus single volar digital subcutaneous anaesthetic injection for finger injuries in the emergency department.
Martin sp et al.
If the nail is firmly adherent and disruption of surrounding tissue is minimal there is likely to be a good cosmetic outcome without primary nail bed repair.
Cannon b et al.
It was a small study with only 40 patients and repair was done by orthopedic residents but definitely a consideration.
Nailbed lacerations are often sustained by a major crush injury resulting in a stellate and irregular laceration pattern.
One injection or two.
Replacing the nail is the easiest way to protect the healing nail bed pack the nail fold and provide a natural splint for the healing injury.
Now i am having difficulty suturing it back in place.
A prospective randomized controlled trial of 2 octylcyanoacrylate.
Soak nail in betadine while repairing nail bed.
Post updated may 26 2014 22 47 pst 1.
A study in 2008 used dermabond for nail bed laceration repair showed similar follow up cosmetic and functional outcomes.
9 5 minutes using dermabond and 27 8 minutes using sutures.
Strauss e weil w jordan c paksima n.
The use of 2 octylcyanoacrylate dermabond for the treatment of nail bed injuries in children.
Nail bed repair with dermabond and likely all tissue adhesive glues may be a reasonable alternative to sutures for both nail bed laceration repair itself as well as to hold the nail in place.
Repair nail bed with 6 0 or smaller absorbable suture.
Amazingly i still see residents perform intricate repairs with nylon sutures that have to be removed.
Results of a prospective series of 30 patients november 2009 journal of children s orthopaedics 4.
Check out more details on the technique at dr.
Just because a nail bed laceration is present it doesn t mean nail removal with obligate repair is indicated.
J hand surg am.